This video breaks it open
(too old to reply)
2011-05-01 04:11:42 UTC

Now you know why it's futile to buy and keep your asshole rock 'n roll
record collection after being exposed to this. BUT there are radio stations
with airtime to fill with junk, and they drag a lot of oldtime fools right
along with them to perpetuate the brainwash.

This is not the case with the Wereo and the killer is this is only through
the air Wereo and yet it's strong enough to topple classic rock awltogether.
I've been telling you awl along the Wereo is bigger than Rock. Some of you
did not listen and did not Heed and Harken unto the Holy word of the Prophet
Scott Lifshine thus you lost out.

So from now on we will be purchasing rock 'n rolls records no more and only
letting this small little sliver of through-the-air Wereo be our name and
keepsake forevermore, amen.

I am the only one who matters or rather the Progenitor of Intellectual
Internet because I am the Prophet Lifshine and the Prophet Lifshine hast now
spoken and revealed.


Notice some of the takes did not come out as clarion as this one I'm
touting. That's because they are takes and experiments sometimes fail but
this particular clip I think exudes the Right Path to Wereo. Shall ye Behold
the Mighty Power of the Wereo in this little sliver of a clip.
2011-05-03 22:58:29 UTC
............actually that is a little sliver of shit.............