Today I get Justice on Two Counts
(too old to reply)
2012-09-28 23:55:56 UTC
1) Today I go to my dentist because I've got some kind of tooth
problem. Ok, well and good. They want to take x-rays. I'm mot crazy
about getting x-rayed so I state I'm mot going for the full-mouth x-
rays. So I agree to only one x-ray.

After the appointment is done I ask the front of office for a copy of
the x-ray. After asking me what I "intend to do" with the x-ray they
refuse. First of all it's none of their goddamn business what I intend
to do with the copy of the x-ray.

They start in with "excuses." First she has to "talk it over" with her
boss. It's going to cost me fifteen dollars, and then come back next
Tuesday. I come back sooner than next Tuesday with a print-out from NY
State stating their practicing misconduct because it plum is not their
decision what I'm going to do with the image (I'm going to post it to
California_Jam along with the State notice if you must know what I'm
going to do with the image.)

The bottom line is they made a copy of the NY State Directive and I
was given a copy of the x-ray to post up to California_Jam when I get
a chance.

2) Here's the other Justice. It's not on the level of BOWL-ASS being
sent to the BuTT'NeR CRAZYHOUSE by the US Department of Justice and
Bureau of Prisons for 2 1/2 years for raping little defenseless
children, but it's Justice nonetheless.

Lately I occassionally like to imbibe in a beer. Pops Wereo did it and
now I do it. So when I go to return the bottles and cans to this wack
merchant I osscassionally buy from, he tells me "we just sell the cans
but we don't take the redeems on them." He told me this on two
separate occassions. I'm sick of this shit.

So you know what I did? I reported his scroungy ass to the proper New
York State authorities that handle this matter. And you know what?
After giving me the up-down and a few seconds of hesitation, today the
fuckers redeemed the cans. This is what you cawl "From cans to

So now they face at least one fine ranging from 0 to $500.00. They
don't know who reported them to the cops. I did. Besides it was a
different joe behind the cash register than the one I previously
reported a couple of times. The fucker caused me aggravation, and now
I'm guessing he's got a $500.00 fine on his hands. He should've
listened to me and complied in the first place. Today the
establishment complied quite nicely to my satisfation. This is what
you call "Justice being served."

Soon you'll watch me on network TV and feel my fear of Alison at the
same time. We're getting closer to the Moment of Truth aren't we.
Evan Platt
2012-09-29 01:49:56 UTC
On Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:55:56 -0700 (PDT), iL_weReo
Post by iL_weReo
1) Today I go to my dentist because I've got some kind of tooth
problem. Ok, well and good. They want to take x-rays. I'm mot crazy
about getting x-rayed so I state I'm mot going for the full-mouth x-
rays. So I agree to only one x-ray.
After the appointment is done I ask the front of office for a copy of
the x-ray. After asking me what I "intend to do" with the x-ray they
refuse. First of all it's none of their goddamn business what I intend
to do with the copy of the x-ray.
They start in with "excuses." First she has to "talk it over" with her
boss. It's going to cost me fifteen dollars, and then come back next
Tuesday. I come back sooner than next Tuesday with a print-out from NY
State stating their practicing misconduct because it plum is not their
decision what I'm going to do with the image (I'm going to post it to
California_Jam along with the State notice if you must know what I'm
going to do with the image.)
You're so fucking full of shit piggy.
Post by iL_weReo
The bottom line is they made a copy of the NY State Directive and I
was given a copy of the x-ray to post up to California_Jam when I get
a chance.
No one cares, fatso.
Post by iL_weReo
Lately I occassionally like to imbibe in a beer. Pops Wereo
Your father killed himself because he was sick of you. You should kill
yourself and go join him, you fat disgusting slob.
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