2011-07-04 00:10:30 UTC
On the eve of July 4th, Nuclear Warrior nearly outshines it. That's
because Nuclear Warrior is the only songwriting that matters along
with the only guitar strumming that matters, and I'm the greatest
singer ever.
The world has become nearly a complete knock-off of Nuclear Warrior.
Even your highly estemmed Bob Dylan man wrote a song about this,
called "It's Unbelievable."
I know I'm the only one who taped a show bigger and better than
Woodstock named California Jam, and I produce New York's and the
nations leading Super 8 archive films. However let there never be any
mistake about it....Nuclear Warrior IS the top thing in the universe.
In fact, so much so that all your music is on his way out, thank you.
because Nuclear Warrior is the only songwriting that matters along
with the only guitar strumming that matters, and I'm the greatest
singer ever.
The world has become nearly a complete knock-off of Nuclear Warrior.
Even your highly estemmed Bob Dylan man wrote a song about this,
called "It's Unbelievable."
I know I'm the only one who taped a show bigger and better than
Woodstock named California Jam, and I produce New York's and the
nations leading Super 8 archive films. However let there never be any
mistake about it....Nuclear Warrior IS the top thing in the universe.
In fact, so much so that all your music is on his way out, thank you.