(too old to reply)
2012-09-28 00:24:54 UTC

Click here to see the array of silk shirts that I will wear on my
upcoming 35 episodes of The "_______________" Show to debut in mid-
November as I've been informed. More tapings will take place next

Depending on demand, I may auction off these shirts to use the money
for my favorite charity. I can tell you I'm going to be FRONT OF HOUSE
this network season. It's going to be a Lifshine romp throughout the
major networks.

I feel there is NO NEED to disclose the exact time and place and even
name of these upcoming 35 network television shows at the present
time. A great many of you hands down from here to Malaysia are going
to spot me. So you see I feel there's really no need to divulge the
exact name and dates of the network shows at this time. But I have
been asked to come back after taping the first few. I guess they like
what they see on HD.

Awlso may I add I got a email in from California early this morning.
Remember I told you about that big possible Happening planz in
California, where some of you stated the Image was Photoshopped thus
fictional? Well I'm prepared to dispel that myth as well. Let the
Wereo be your life. And as long as I'm here I say bah humbug even to
the sages who slammed the Wereo at one time or another. Shows you how
much I think of sages. It ist the Wereo that commands you; it ist the
majestic Presence of the Lifshine that overides you.

With the many new episodes being planned PLUS awl the repeats that
happen throughout the year I see this as nothing other than a
worldwide Lifshine Enlightenment throughout the world at this time.
However I am depending on YOU to get the word of the Lifshine out for
further Enlightenment and world happiness via the Presence of the
Lifshine on these gracious network television shows you are about to
be stunned and shocked by

as I do away with Rock and roll in the process. I am the only one who
matters in and around the cameras. I am the only one who matters on
the radios and the televisions.
Evan Platt
2012-09-28 06:24:09 UTC
On Thu, 27 Sep 2012 17:22:07 -0700 (PDT), iL_WeReo
Post by iL_weReo
Click here to see the array of silk shirts that I will wear on my
upcoming 35 episodes of The "_______________" Show to debut in mid-
November as I've been informed. More tapings will take place next
You could donate your shirts to charity. Since you're so fucking fat,
each shirt has to be what, a 40XXXXXXXL? They could use a shirt for a
tent - for a large city.

From: Scott Lifshine <***@...>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [California_Jam] I GET SUMMONED FOR 27 MORE TAPINGS

What do you mean I have nobody in my life? I fucked three woman this
week and was involved with participatory lesbianism.
More bullshit from a pedophile pig.

The only woman you've ever seen naked is your mom. And every guy has
seen her fat ass naked.
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