(too old to reply)
2012-11-18 21:01:42 UTC
First of over a hundred. Tomorrow shall ye Witness and Experience the
Unbelievable. I awlready have it two clips from the website showing
the Glory on the Televisions. Monday and Friday. With more than a
HUNDRED to follow.

Can you tell me with a straight face newtork television will ever be
the same after tomorrow?

I am the only one who matters. So come off your pods and push
everything away from the Televisions. The Glorious One is about the
Appear, and wherever I Appear you know it's Big News.

Here's a Big Hint towards the revelation: I'm Appearing sometime in
the afternoon New York time on FOX Television. So stand by your little
toys and await your further orders and directives from the Chief

"Scott Lifshine is among the Golden Dozen of all time in Show
Business, maybe even the top" -Joe Franklin, Bloomberg Radio

Thou art the Christ oh the Pilar of Fire, Thou art the Christ
Evan Platt
2012-11-20 13:39:55 UTC
On Sun, 18 Nov 2012 13:01:42 -0800 (PST), iL_weReo
Post by iL_weReo
First of over a hundred. Tomorrow shall ye Witness and Experience the
Unbelievable. I awlready have it two clips from the website showing
the Glory on the Televisions. Monday and Friday. With more than a
HUNDRED to follow.
No one saw you on tv, did they piggy?
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