If I find him, I do
(too old to reply)
2012-09-24 10:32:38 UTC
This morning I'm going back to hunt for that dude who assaulted me on
the bus this past Thursday. I've already consulted with the NYPD on
what to do. I am going to wait at the same bus stop for him this

If I find him, the consequences are going to be severe. I am going to
have him arrested. If he's there, he's there. If he's not, I will come
back on another day this week. I think he is going to be there. I
would've taken care of him already if I weren't in a hurry to get to
the taping. Today I'm not scheduled for any taping.
Evan Platt
2012-09-24 11:53:15 UTC
On Mon, 24 Sep 2012 03:29:12 -0700 (PDT), iL_WeReo
Post by iL_weReo
This morning I'm going back to hunt for that dude who assaulted me on
the bus this past Thursday.
I hope you find him. And I hope he kicks your fat pedophile ass again,
you fat worthless sack of shit.
Post by iL_weReo
I've already consulted with the NYPD on what to do.
"I do" - you mean you're going to marry him? Dumbfuck.

Hahah, even the fucking police hate you so much they told you to go
back and get your fat ass beaten up again?
Post by iL_weReo
I am going to wait at the same bus stop for him this
You're a fat fucking retard.
Post by iL_weReo
If I find him, the consequences are going to be severe.
I'm sure they are - for you.
Post by iL_weReo
I am going to have him arrested. If he's there, he's there. If he's not, I will come
back on another day this week. I think he is going to be there. I
would've taken care of him already if I weren't in a hurry to get to
the taping. Today I'm not scheduled for any taping.
You've never been scheduled for any taping, you fucking schizophrenic
pedophile. It's all in your head.

Your mother is a cum guzzling slutbag. You should kill yourself piggy.
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